Flour is 450 grams of protein
45 grams of milk powder
Baking powder 1 tsp
Cheese powder 2 tsp
Parmesan cheese powder 50 grams
Crackers 100 grams mushrooms, puree
Margarine 300 grams
30 grams of refined sugar
Salt 1 tsp
Yellow egg 3 eggs
1 yellow eggs
Crackers 75 grams of mushrooms, puree
Shake margarine with sugar, salt and egg until soft yellow.
Enter the wheat flour has been mixed with milk powder, Baking powder, powdered cheese, parmesan cheese and kripik mushrooms, stir well until all ingredients evenly mixed.
Pipihkan dough setebal 1 cm, and then cut or print the form of interest or according to taste and make dough out.
Oles surface kukis with yellow egg, and taburi top kripik with mushrooms and place the tray that has dioles margarine.
Roast in oven temperature of 150 degrees centigrade for 25 minutes until cooked, lift.
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