Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lapis Kacang Cokelat

Materials I:

That - to 7 grams of white powder
Jelly, peanut 200 grams, ready for use
100 grams sugar
Milk 650 ml of liquid white
Vanilla powder 1 / 4 tsp

Material II:

That - to 7 grams of cocoa powder
100 grams sugar
Milk chocolate liquid, 650 ml
Chocolate pasta 1 / 2 tsp


* Dough I
Solvent that - so that together the sugar, vanilla, milk, liquid, and add jelly, peanut,
cook over low heat while continuously stirred until boiling, lift.

* Dough II
Toss all ingredients, cook over low heat while continuously stirred - until mixed
boiling, lift.

* Cast dough I and II selapis for the selapis to harden slightly, to do
the dough out.

* Serve and cut it.


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